
The ocean and mankind are a life community of "symbiosis", 


and the marine natural ecosystem is an important support for the sustainable development of mankind.


The marine natural ecosystem is an important support for the sustainable development of mankind.


As the largest treasure house of biomass resources, an energy reserve base, and the lifeline of transportation throughout the world, 


the ocean is an important space and strategic location that humans have yet to develop on the earth today.


To protect the marine environment and the marine ecology, we should take care of the marine environment like children.


Environmental issues have always been a major issue that plagues human development, such as energy and resource issues, marine pollution issues, loss of biodiversity, and so on.


When we enter the azure blue underwater world, the surrounding sea water will no longer be blue, but will be surrounded by a group of plastic garbage.

Seeing "she" suffer day after day pollution and destruction, oil spills, nuclear weapons spills, and plastic garbage. . .There are many, many, we are uncomfortable.


We may not be able to change too many things, but we can start with "me" and do our part for the ocean.

Plastic bags that pollute the ocean are mistaken for jellyfish by some marine animals, and swallowing plastic bags can be fatal. (Shutterstock)


Taita (Thailand) Recycling Resources Co., Ltd. is deeply aware of the harm of waste plastics to the ocean.


Therefore, starting from 2018, with the help of the local government, Taita has collected and recycled discarded plastic bottles in the waters, rivers and tributaries around Bangkok, Samut Sakong, Chonburi, Thailand.


Over 10 million discarded plastic bottles are consumed every month. Even though this recycling work consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, we still insist on it!


The recycled bottle flakes and recycled pellets produced by Taita have been widely used in many fields such as recycled fiber and recycled plastic daily necessities, and are sold all over the world.


picture from pixabay


Taita also continues to recycle waste plastics and contributes to marine environmental protection!


Even if you don’t live by the sea, you can take action to protect the ocean.


It is recommended that you help protect precious marine resources in the following ways:


  1. Follow the principles of sustainability when buying food fish, so that you can force those illegal fishing companies to be unprofitable.
  2. Use eco-friendly bags when shopping, and minimize the use of plastic bags.
  3. Use public transportation to reduce emissions from motor vehicles.
  4. Save water and energy.
  5. Recycle plastic and other products.
  6. Support the national government to establish a national marine protected area.
  7. By volunteering and donating money, we help non-governmental organizations that are committed to protecting the oceans and sustainable development.